Beijing Bongs is an informal association of likeminded individuals and families who love to hang out on the “Tero Parbons of Baro Maash”. Living far away from home, it is our endeavor to keep our rich culture and grand heritage vibrant in whatever ways we can. Simple and sweet, we do not have any organizational hierarchies making everybody a stakeholder in our collectively-achieved happiness while celebrating our archetypal Bengali-ness or Bangaliana.Read More



At Beijing Bongs we try to organize events regularly. Meeting friends in a busy schedule is always refreshing. It becomes more enticing when our events are augmented with food from our home.

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Useful Links

The links below you might never need, but in case you need, we have compiled a few useful links for quick reference.

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Beijing Guide

A number of places are there in Beijing to be visited when you have just arrived for your new assignment. The Forbidden City, Tian An Men Square, Food Street at Wangfujing or the Summer Palace are few among them. Through the links below we have tried to quench the thirst of a travel buff Bong mind.

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